I still don't know if i'm lactose intolerant, allergic to milk or just having indigestion. I don't really go on the same wavelength with milk, i only take milk when taking my cereals and that's it. I always take my tea and coffee black, i can't actually remember when i started doing this, sometime in my high school days and i've been like this ever since. And at times when i take milk , i notice i have mild stomache cramps and mild diarrhea. I usually pass it off as indigestion, but with time i came to realise that it almost always happens when i take milk.
It's not only milk and ice cream that contain lactose. Some foods contain lactose under the name of 'whey', read the food labels for and see if the product contains whey. Cottage cheese, sour cream, sweet cream, salad dressings, some breads, chewing gum and candy contain whey and produce lactose intolerant symptoms after being consumed. I'm thinkin of goin to the doctor real soon and get myself sorted out.